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Lace Up Fitness

In the formative stages of LaceUp fitness, I played a pivotal role in shaping its brand identity and online presence with the following contributions:

  • ​I assumed responsibility as the Social Media Manager for LaceUp Fitness. This included detailed analysis to determine optimal posting times, active engagement with audience comments, staying attuned to industry trends, and crafting evergreen content to maintain relevance and engagement.

  • ​I led the charge on a dynamic video series named "One Minute Mile." This series tackled diverse running and exercise topics, each in a concise one-minute format. The weekly release of these videos fostered a dedicated and engaged viewership, significantly expanding reach, and contributing to a remarkable 45% increase in the follower count.

  • ​My creative touch extended to the visual identity of LaceUp fitness. I designed a distinctive animated logo that encapsulated the brand's essence and produced all graphics and flyers for upcoming events and gatherings. These visuals lent a polished and professional aesthetic to the company's promotional materials.

Client / 

Lace Up Fitness


Role / 

Social Media Manager

Content Creator


Purpose / 



Year / 

2019 - 2022

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